Holiday cookie swap?

Does anyone still do a holiday cookie swap? I remember we used to do them at church when I was growing up and it was always fun to bring home cookies your family didn't usually make. I saw this article in Paula Deen's newsletter and I started wondering if people really do this any more or if it's one of those simple things that has fallen by the wayside with modern life (more's the pity). It's a wonderful and sweet tradition ~ maybe I should revive it next year with some friends. What do you think?

Photo from Paula Deen site


  1. I love cookie swaps, but have not participated in one in quite some time. I have a friend however, who has participated in them, though a book club she belongs to; so from where I'm at, the tradition still lives on!.. What a pretty collection of cookies you have in this photo! I love to bake, and always try to put together a nice assortment for any holidays guests who may stop by!!.. In fact, I've had people ASK for them for Christmas!! ~tina

  2. I think people do, but I know my old co-workers thought it was a gross idea because of germs. Our group stopped doing potlucks because of it. But, with friends and family, I don't think it's gross at all :-)

  3. I use to do one when I was in college. Now I just bake.. Have a great night..

  4. I've been hearing about cookie swaps for years, but have never been to one. I think they're a wonderful idea!

    btw- love your Christmas music!

  5. I have never done a cookie swap..but a swap that you can can that possibly be a bad thing? lol

    I love that photo...and now me wants a cookie!

    thanks for your comment today!

    ciao bella

    Creative CArmelinA

    dolly and rod are really working your blog!

    baby it really is cold outside!


  6. I haven't done a cookie swap in years. They are so fun, too. I probably think that because while I'm a marginal cook at best, I'm a the Queen of Cookie Land. LOL

  7. I hear about them from time to time. I participated in one once. Never again because of all the *ahem* crap, I got back. Blah! I'd rather make a few different types of my own that risk something like that again.... ;p



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