It's a Blue Monday...

For the first time, I am joining the popular Blue Monday gathering. The occasion? Finding this very pretty vase on clearance at TJ Maxx. For $6! How could one leave it in the store at that price? It looks smashing in its new home on my dining room table. For this photograph, I moved it by the window for better lighting. Honestly, it looks great there, too. Itā€™s a wonderful piece, with or without flowers ~ Iā€™m absolutely tickled pink (or blue?) with it.
Thanks to Smiling Sally for hosting Blue Monday. Stop by her blog for a list of participants or to join. Wishing you a lovely week filled with lots of beauty...


  1. If you're tickled pink and mix in a little blue, it'll be purple!

    Happy 1st Blue Monday, Bella

  2. A lovely vase and cookery books! Obviously a home maker!

  3. That pretty blue vase would look nice most anywhere you placed it.

  4. that is a beautiful blue vase, I'm joining in for the first time today also

  5. cute vase. I love me some snowmen too, Bella! :~}

  6. Nice to see pretty blue all around..


    Happy Monday..

  7. Just found your blog and it is so lovely! This vase is beautiful. I have been trying some container gardening this year also. We also got the topsy turveys and have tomatoes and cucumbers growing in them. They are doing well. Have you tried them yet? Looking forward to visiting you again soon. Have a great evening.
    Many blessings, Jill

  8. $, I love the top edging. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog last friday. Hugs. Simone xx

  9. I love this piece! It is exactly the kind of thing I would have in my home.

  10. You are a Jamie reader too? I love watching his Summer journal series at my Mom's! His garden cooking is a dream. Sending you love! Blessings.

  11. What a beautiful vase! Isn't TJXX a fun place to shop!



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