Exchanging inspiration...

Finding and sharing inspiration is one of the greatest things about the Internet. 
My two favorites are Pinterest and Tumblr, though the two have very different purposes. Or at least, they do the way I use them. Pinterest is great for organizing projects, dream vacations, recipes, home decor ideas and my latest obsessions. You can find me on Pinterest under ThePinkHome, or just click here.
On Tumblr, I have another blog. This one is called “Living Beautifully” and it’s different in that it’s just images. That’s all I share ~ beautiful images that inspire me and may offer you a bit of inspiration, too ~ all through my particular creative lens, of course. Here’s the description:

Seeker/creator of beauty. Lover of stylish homes & gardens, indulgent food & vintage glamour. Fabric & wallpaper designer at The Pink Home. Think of this blog as an inspiration exchange...

Above and below are some images I have shared so far this year, along with some from earlier last year. If you wander through the archive, you can see the change of seasons and themes to things I share.
Click here to stop by and take a look, or better yet, follow me there for a bit of beauty.

Images from Tumblr
