The beauty of pink roses...

The glorious pink rose bush I wrote about last time did indeed burst into bloom. It has been blooming for two weeks now and shows little sign of slowing down, with new buds continuing to form. Not only are these beauties gorgeous and fat, they smell wonderful, too. There are so many blooms, the bush was starting to groan under the weight of its own beauty. I have given it extra support so it can keep on blooming without feeling a strain.
Getting to see this bush put on such a show before I move has been wonderful. Every day, I have gone out and walked the yard, checking out my garden. I have more photos to share of all the other things in bloom, but I thought this bush deserved its own post.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

I am linking to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound.

Photos and video by The Art of Living Beautifully
