The beauty of Miss Em...

My sweet Emily has been having a few health problems this year. Things have been back and forth a lot ~ better, then worse, then better. She was diagnosed with congestive heart failure at the beginning of the year, though the medicine she has been prescribed works wonders. The last several months she has had problems with IBD, the poor thing. The medicine that helps the most takes away her appetite, which means she then can’t take any of her medicines. And then she generally feels awful. She has started a course of steroids; I am hoping between those and a bland diet, we can get her back on some sort of even keel. Though you can’t really tell because of all her fur, she has lost too much weight and needs to put some back on.
This weekend she has been feeling better so she got a good bath and blow dry and then this morning, a ride in her stroller ~ a present from my mom since Miss Em likes to go and see things but much prefers riding to walking these days. It’s ridiculous and genius all in one. You can tell from her face how much she loves it.
Anyway, I thought I would share some new pictures of this sweet beautiful creature because she means the world to me and my husband. (Excuse the fuzzines.) Any good thoughts you want to send her way, please do.

Photos by The Art of Living Beautifully


  1. She is such a sweet little girl, will keep her in my prayers.

    1. Thank you! She is doing much better the last week or so.


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