A gentle reminder...

I picked out these beautiful carnations at the grocery store the other day because I was drawn to their lovely colors. It was a simple 3 for $12 deal, so I pulled two packets of peach colored carnations and one packet of bright pink to mix in without giving it much thought. They simply appealed, so I bought them.

It is a slightly unusual color combination and after a couple of days I kept thinking I had seen it somewhere before. Close by. But nothing came to me.
And then a couple of days later, I was whining to myself about not having as much time as I used to for things like blogging and designing fabric & wallpaper and studying interior design. (Even though I completed my year-long interior design course and got my certificate as intended, I still have magazines I want to go through and books to read.) I looked at my desk as I was walking through my house thinking all this and my eye caught on the bag I used to tote back and forth to school ~ itā€™s still full of lots of goodies from my interior design classes. And I suddenly realized where I had seen that particular peachy/orange/pink color combination before: my school bag, which is in Vera Bradleyā€™s Folkloric pattern.

And then I thought maybe me grabbing those particular colors was my subconscious trying to tell me something ~ perhaps a gentle reminder that I have to make time to do the things I love no matter what, just like I did with those classes. 
I share this because Iā€™m betting Iā€™m not the only one who needs this reminder.
Wishing all of you a lovely weekend, full of things you love...

I am linking to:
Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound
A Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life

Photos by The Art of Living Beautifully


  1. ahhh, this is a GREAT gentle reminder.
    Love your beautiful bag and the flowers are so delightful. Think I'll pick up a few when I go grocery shopping today.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. YES...a lovely combination of colors...You and Vera have great taste. I have that same bag, and enjoy it so much during the summer, and although it doesn't GO WITH everything, I still carry it more often than not.

    Such nice photos and a lovely blog...I enjoyed my visit.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  3. Such a good reminder to make room for the things that we love and that we get excited about! Beautiful colors there.

  4. Dear Eileen,
    Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate every one of them!
    It's was so neat to read that you know of Coronado and Hotel del. You know how incredible both are!
    Your home and blog are beautiful.
    So happy to have found you.
    Have a wonderful weekend,


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