The beauty of Easter weekend...

Easter weekend is always a lovely time. It's one of those holidays, for us, that seems quieter than the others. I love going shopping for Easter tulips and lilies for our home and our family, and I love preparing our traditional Easter dinner: glazed ham, potato salad, lemon butter, baked beans, deviled eggs, green beans and rolls. I enjoy setting the table with some of my pretty pastel dishes, too ~ it's really the only time I use them. The photo below is our dining room table waiting to be set for Easter last year. It's so nice to gather with family and enjoy a nice meal. And, of course, there are a few chocolate gifts to go around and usually a stuffed bunny or two for the pups.
Wishing all of you a lovely weekend and to those who celebrate it, a happy Easter.

I am linking to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound.

Photos by The Art of Living Beautifully


  1. I decorated with tulips this weekend too. Hope you Easter is lovely and filled with lots of sunshine.

  2. Easter a time of traditions, faith, and family.
    Happy Easter! & Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. What a beautiful room and aren't tulips just the perfect spring flowers?

  4. Tulips are so lovely. Understated.

  5. I actually bought some Tulips the other day. I love them. I really like those white ones in your picture!

    Your dining room looks lovely, as always. :)


  6. Happy Easter and Pink Saturday!!!
    Came over from Beverly's and now I am a new follower!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~


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