Pink blooms...

Happy Pink Saturday, all! It's been a few weeks but it's nice to be back amongst my pink-loving friends. Today I thought I'd share a photo of this fabulous pink orchid a friend of mine gave me. I know next to nothing about orchids, but I followed the directions in caring for this one and I am amazed at how many months - yes months! - these blooms have lasted. Orchids are known for being quite particular, so I figured I'd be lucky to keep it alive for a few weeks. But this one has just thrived. Isn't it lovely?
As always, thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting this weekly tribute to pink. Stop by her place for a complete list of this week's participants (and be sure to leave her a get-well message while you're at it).
Wishing all of you a fabulously pink weekend!


  1. How pretty! Happy Pink Saturday! :D

  2. What a gorgeous Orchid! I was tempted to buy one the other day, but am afraid I would kill it by accident!!~

  3. Bella,

    Beautiful orchid. Beautiful blog.


  4. Your orchid is, indeed, lovely. I'm so glad it has continued to bloom for you. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  5. Great job on the orchid! I've thought about getting one before and like you, I've heard they are difficult to care for...Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. That is a beautiful pink orchid. I had an orchid last year and it was so beautiful but I have terrible luck with plants and it didn't make it. I love all of your beautiful things.

  7. Very pretty PS post!


  8. Hi Bella! I don't know much about orchids, but yours are very pretty!.. I CAN relate, some at how excited and thrilled I am when my african violets bloom! I seem to be getting BETTER at just keeping these beautiful plants ALIVE!!!.. So when they actually BLOOM, I'm so elated, that I'm running for the camera and telling all the neighbors! (0; Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  9. Your pink orchid is beautiful! I bought an orchid in November and it is still blooming!

  10. The orchid is lovely. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  11. Well done you - your orchid looks fabulous! Leigh

  12. Bella,
    Glad you're back. Love that orchid! My Pink Saturday post is about flowers this week too.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  13. Congrats on keeping it alive! I can't grow an orchid for the life of me:(

    Happy Belated PS!



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