Tuesday brightener... Pretty fabrics, part deux

Greetings, all. I hope this finds you enjoying the week. And if not, I hope these pretty swatches of fabric brighten your day and maybe get your creative juices flowing.
For those who are new to my blog, a little background: As a rule, I dislike Tuesdays. To help combat that, I decided to start posting pretty pictures each Tuesday of whatever strikes my fancy. It gives me (and hopefully you) something to look forward to.
As previously noted, I adore fabric. Old fabric, new fabric - I could spend hours in a fabric store on a regular basis dreaming up new schemes for drapes, upholstery, pillows, etc. Fabric is one of those things everyone can use to brighten their surroundings, no matter what their taste. I particularly enjoy finding vintage fabrics like some of these; it's always interesting to see what people enjoyed in the past. The best is when you come across a classic pattern - one that is as beautiful and appealing today as it was when it was made umpteen years ago. I redid my dining room chairs using some vintage fabric I found on eBay (a great place to hunt for that sort of thing, by the way.) If you'd like to see my chairs, click here.
All the fabrics you see here are swatches I found one day searching for inspiration. Maybe they'll inspire you to wander into a fabric store and add a bit of beauty to your life.
As always, best wishes for a beautiful week!

Photo credits below: Laineys Repertoire via flickr


  1. Love your fabric choices - they're all gorgeous! Leigh

  2. Such beautiful fabrics, I love them all.

  3. lovely choices, as always :-)

  4. Your fabrics are lovely! I did go have a look at your chair, very pretty! I am wondering why you don't like Tuesdays?

  5. Hi Gwen ~ It's sort of like this: I always get out of bed thinking "ugh, I have to go to work again." LOL. On Monday, I try not to mind so much having to go back to work (though that doesn't stop me from whining) because I just had the weekend off. Tuesdays are no-man's land, though. By Wednesday I'm back in the groove and then Thursday comes along, and well, it's almost Friday so that's OK, and then Friday is here, and that's almost always a good day. But on Tuesday, the week just seems soooo long stretching out in front of me. :)

  6. That bright floral navy and white one grabbed me! I love fabric, especially vintage fabric. And your chairs are lovely!

  7. Lovely fabrics, and lovely blog. I can relate to the Tuesday thing, when I used to have to go out to work. Now, nearly everday day I work from home :-) so I'm super-happy every morning now!!
    Cheers, Karen

  8. Yummy fabrics! I like the third one. It looks so lush and tropical. The colors are so happy and vibrant!



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