The beauty of spring and snow...

About a week ago, this lovely bloom came to life in my yard, followed a few days later by a couple inches of snow. Yes, snow. Spring is a wild ride this year.

The snow was perfect ~ unexpected, beautiful and completely gone by Sunday afternoon, which meant no road issues. It left winter behind, though, so those glorious 70-degree days we had been enjoying are a distant memory this week. The high for today is only in the 40s, so while the snow may be gone, Tilly still has her hat and scarf on.

Emily, cute though she was in her pink winter coat, was unimpressed with the snow, mostly because it was a very wet snow that clung to her fur. Still, sheā€™s adorable, isnā€™t she? I just love her in this little coat my mom made for her ā€“ she makes quite the fashion statement.

Photos by The Art of Living Beautifully


  1. I see you really are having a wild Spring ride this season. Last week we were in the deep of winter again, but today the sun shines and snow melts into puddles. Your Miss Emily certainly looks adorable in her little pink plaid coat.

    Wishing you a beautiful day, Eileen!


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