Preparing for holiday houseguests...

With the holidays usually comes travel and, therefore, the occasional houseguest. Let's be honest, having a guest staying in your home, while enjoyable, is work. I came across these tips on preparing for a houseguest and thought they were worth sharing. Think of it as a helping hand this holiday season. The tips are from Martha Stewart's Website; you can find a printable checklist here.

Preparing for a houseguest, Martha style:
~ Allot adequate closet and drawer space and provide hangers.
~ Fully stock your refrigerator and pantry, and take into account any special food requirements.
~ Have a full-length mirror in the bedroom.
~ Have a working alarm clock in the bedroom.
~ Invest in a few small touches in the room, such as bottled water, chocolates, or fresh flowers.
~ Provide a sitting area with a pillow and throw, an adjacent table, and a good adjustable-brightness lamp in the room your guests will be staying in.
~ Provide extra blankets for temperature control in the bedroom.
~ Provide reading material, including several magazines and a daily newspaper.
~ Stock enough towels, washcloths and hand towels for all guests.
~ Stock up on toilet paper and other necessities and make sure they know where to locate extras.

Does anyone else have any other tips for hosting houseguests?


  1. Thank goodness most of my family is here in the city I live. We never have any guests.. well, hardly ever. (teenagers don't count, do they?)

    I love Martha! She thinks of everything! Can you imagine staying at her place??


  2. I think that about covers everything a guest could ever need.

    Guests are wonderful, at least for a few days! LOL!


  3. I was just snooping around. I wanted to let you know, in case I haven't mentioned it, how inspired I am by you and your posts.
    I feel so lucky to have come across your blog. Your bits of beauty and wisdom have enriched my life greatly.
    I especially enjoyed reading "Why Beauty Matters". I highly reccomend to anyone that hasn't read it yet, to do so! I just love your thoughts! :)

    Thanks again. You have brought much beauty into my life. :)


  4. We will be having guests over the holidays. Thank you for this lovely reminder of how to make their stay comfortable.


  5. I believe Martha covered everything and then some. Personally I like the guest room when it's down the street or in a guest house, but shhh, don't tell I said that. You know what they say - Fish and house guest smell after three days.

  6. Well our Texan's are coming for week, but I don't consider them guests! Thanks for sharing these tips!


  7. Thank you so much for your kind words, Laura!! xx

  8. What a great idea for guests! Thanks!!!!!


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