The beauty of autumn candlelit afternoons...

“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.”
~Jim Bishop

Is there anything more wonderful than a chilly autumn afternoon where you have nowhere to be but home, indulging in a few simple pleasures like candlelight, a good book and a cup of tea?
Wishing all of you a lovely day...

Photo by The Art of Living Beautifully


  1. This is a really beautiful room and it looks so cozy. I always really admire the way you use color.

  2. I know...a cup of tea, a good book, a candle, and a warm, fluffy blanket. A perfect way to spend a chilly afternoon.

    It's been months since I've been by---even longer since I did my own blogging. But after a long break, in which I jumped from one season of life to another, I'm yearning to get back to blogging. And your blog is one of my very first stops. I'm glad to see that some things never change---like the beauty I find with a visit here.


  3. I love, love that feeling of not having anywhere else to be on some lovely afternoon or evening. Your room is so inviting, you must love spending time in it.



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